As summer begins On the Rise kicks off our 17th summer program were excited to tell you what we’ve done. From learning about how a seed grows, to reading books about how a garden can bring a community together; we show the importance community and how to give back. Our first project is to get our gardens in check: weeding, hoeing, planting, mulching, and weeding again. This year we’re working with Debbie Brugger- she’s are giving us some pointers on how to keep our garden the best in town. Springfield once was a huge agricultural influence on the United States, so we went and toured the Heritage Center; we think it’s important to show them the positives of Springfield and give them confidence in their own city. Just because its summer doesn’t mean there isn’t any learning! We also have the kids in a reading program with the book called Seed Folk By: Paul Fleischman. More Updates on the Facebook page!img_0435

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