img_0407On-The-Rise Food Pantry

At On-The-Rise one of the many services we provide our youth are meals during both the On-The-Rise program and the Teens On-The-Rise program. However, we want to make sure our youth have healthy food available to them when they are not attending program. For this reason we have a small food pantry that the youth ‘shop’ at every Wednesday and Thursday but it doesn’t stock itself. We would greatly appreciate any donations of nonperishable food so that our food pantry can continue to be a supplement to the nutrition of our youth. For inquires about donations you may email [email protected] or call us at the farm. Thank you for your help.


Monetary Donations

The work that we do at On-The-Rise is for the benefit of the children in Clark County that are at-risk. We do everything we can to support our kids but we can’t do it alone! Click below to help support our kids so that we can continue to educate, improve, and sustain the youth in our community.


Support Our Youth